Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hand people...put them down!

So I'm enjoying American Idol tonight with my wife when Neil Diamond starts to perform. I like Neil...he's a great artist and performer. However, the song Mr. Diamond sang tonight was a mellow ballad. I'll admit, I don't like waving my hands in the air, and I think people who do it look silly; but the girls in the front tonight really missed the beat. Have you ever seen the cartoon where there is a big bull dog walking slowly down the street and there's a peppy little purse dog doing circles around him. Yeah, that's what I thought when I saw the waving. So if you're a hand waver...get it right or don't do it. 


Jeff and Steph said...

Too funny! We thought the song was kind of boring as well. :)

Girl Fisher said...

Peppy purse dog! Love it! You never see those in Dallas...;-)