Monday, November 21, 2011

A new addiction...

Warning...addictive websites are referenced in this blog post...
I feel it is unfair not to share with you two of my new favorite addictions...most of you have heard of Pinterest. I am completely addicted to it! It is like an online magazine/design book/catalogue. A way to house all your ideas, interests and things that you like! There are pin boards for everything from organization (great for my secret hidden OCD), to photography, to cooking (I have a new found love affair with my crockpot), and clothing (great for the fashion challenged person such as myself) and everything in between! I could spend hours "pinning"! If you have not checked it out, I recommend it! 

For those of you who know about Pinterest here is another site for you...Houzz! This is like Pinterest but it is all about the house! You can search through thousands of photos from the laundry room to the closets! There are even links to where you can buy the items. Someday I will use this site to design our home, right now there are great ideas for decorating and dreaming! 
AS if you are not addicted enough to these sites there are apps for both! It is a sick, sick game! I had to force myself away from pinning so that I could blog about it! If I'm going down I'm taking all five of you with me!

What did I do before pinning? 
Happy Pinning! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Two months...

Wow! I can't believe how time flies! It seems like just yesterday we were checking into the hospital and waiting for Witt (for hours) he's here and two months old!

We went to the doctor yesterday... Someone should really medicate the mom before shots! Are you kidding me? I don't think I will ever get the imagine of my son crying so hard he can't breath out of my mind! Let's just rip my heart out, that's what it felt like! Dad is going with me next time and I will be medicated!
We both managed to survive...minus a few less hours of sleep. Little man is growing perfectly...almost 12 pounds and 90th percentile for height! child! Perfect bill of health!

I thought I would take a minute to write down a few of Witt's milestones at two months...

He smiles and laughs...this is THE cutest thing ever!

He coos...almost as cute as the smiling!

He holds his head up for a few seconds...he thinks he has control (so do we) and then he promptly smashes his head into my neck narrowly missing the earrings (something I probably should not wear)!

He responds to stimuli (that sounds like a science experiment).

He LOVES the bouncy seat!

And...drumroll please...
He sleeps through the night! You heard me...from 9ish until I wake him at 6:15!! I am one happy mama! Does he really have to grow up? Can't he slow down just a little? I love everything about him...even the fussing and the spitting up! I didn't even mind getting up in the middle of the night! I'm cherishing every moment that we have with him. I knew children were a blessing and parenthood would be awesome, but there are really no words that do it justice. I love being a mom, I love being Witt's mom!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Maternity leave...

I write this post with tears in my eyes. I have to return to work on Nov. 28th. I love my job, I love  teaching 2nd grade and my students. I always knew I would have to go back but I never thought it would be this hard. Sure I would like a break from changing endless poopy diapers and sleepless nights but I would trade grading papers for poopy diapers any day!

I know that God has a plan for us and me working...I just hope it involves a smooth transition. Witt will be fine at's his mama I'm worried about! Pray I make it through this without too many tears. I'll update you later on how it goes!
In the meantime, I'm trying to savor each moment that I have with Witt...yesterday he fell asleep in my arms and I didn't move! How am I going to leave this face every morning? :(

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Big Daddy...

Witt got to meet his grandfather (better known as Big Daddy) this weekend! You read the title correctly, Big Daddy is what my father would like to be called...not grandpa, grandfather, papa, nope Big Daddy. In the months leading up to Witt's birth we talked about what "grandparent" names my parents wanted. We discussed several options...Big Daddy was not one of them. However, it is growing on me, not sure what it will sound like when Witt is 15, but we'll figure that out later!

I saw a side of my dad this weekend that I have never seen. The way that he immediately fell in love with Witt the minute he saw him in the car at the airport was so magical. It was as if he became another person. I blogged earlier about how the second Witt was born I felt like I transformed into a mom. I think that is what happened to my dad. He became so enamored that he couldn't take his eyes off him...the look in his eyes was even different. I even heard some "baby talk" (define that how you would like) throughout the course of the weekend. It was so sweet to see them interact. I love my dad and even though I give him a hard time and he gives me it right back, we are a great pair and I know that Witt is more than lucky to have Dad, Big Daddy, in his life! Thanks Dad for being not only a great father but a great grandfather too!