Have you ever wondered what it would be like to teach without a voice? Everyone has a voice, and it is our job as teachers to teach and demonstrate voice, when you lose it, it changes your perspective...completely. I had that happen yesterday. I am still struggling to recover my voice after a cold has settled in (for what feels like a long haul). I learned several things yesterday:
~ you NEED your voice (it is really hard to be me and not talk...VERY challenging, some of you are probably really thankful)
~ I sound super sexy...according to my husband
~ my students will talk as loud as I do, this was a blessing...my decibel was so low and they mimicked it.
~ my students can be super independent...I could only give the directions once and then it was fend for yourself...they were amazing!
This blog entry has turned out to be rather boring but I like writing and there is someone out there that will read it.
On the dog training front...she is great on walks and enjoys the guest bathroom (well by enjoy I mean she does not get out and has not eaten anything). Our trainer recommended that we attach her leash to a piece of furniture when we need her to settle down or stay in a specific place. It is all about letting her know that we are boss and she does what we want her too (that is so comical :)). Putting her leash around the coffee table was a great idea and worked, until she chewed through her leash! I just laugh now! She is so freaking cute and has such a personality that I just can't be mad. She will get better...I say that now since I have been up with her since 6:30. I guess this makes us ready for parenthood...yeah, not quite!
Have a great weekend blogger friends...