Friday, September 5, 2008

Life's moments are priceless...

I guess when you are having fun time flies! Teaching has proved to be more amazing than I could have ever imagined! I am blessed with 22 beautiful little darlings! They are hilarious and make me laugh, we laugh all day actually! They are usually laughing at me! Hey, if they are laughing and learning I'm all for it!
I am exhausted all the time (probably due to my cold that I picked up in Atlanta) but I wouldn't change a minute of it! I am so thankful for the opportunity to teach and impact my kiddos! There is something priceless about a 7 year old telling you that you are funny and that they love math because of it! :) Or when they look at you and ask if they can just hug you. When I see the kids genuinely excited about learning or when their eyes light up when they realize they get it! There are no words for that! This is only week two, I am not naive enough to think that there will not be challenging days...but these are the moments I will remember most!
On another note...non-work related; I had the privilege of going to Atlanta this weekend to celebrate one of my best friends 30th was reunion college roommates! I'm sure you can imagine the fun that we had! We try to get together at least once a year...a pretty amazing feat since we are scattered around the country. This was our girls weekend and we had a blast! I have known these g
irls for 12 years, the time has flown by! We have shared some amazing moments together, breakups, tears, small quarters (I mean really small), long car rides, sleepless nights, laughter, weddings, babies and most importantly a lifelong friendship! Take care of your friendships...they are priceless! I love you girls and thanks for a great weekend!

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