Sunday, February 1, 2009

House Hunting...

Have you ever noticed the series of questions that go with life stages? When you graduate high school people ask where you are going to college. When you graduate college people ask where you are going to work. When you have been working for a little while and meet a boy they ask when are you getting married. Once you are married the question of when are you buying a house comes up and then well you can take it from there. 
We have graduate to the stage of when are you buying a house...having put in our sixty day notice with our apartment complex the time crunch is on! Good thing we have narrowed our search to just a few. 
I knew that choosing my first home would be so exciting! I have dreamt about it for most of my adult life. What I did not realize was how my priorities have changed. It is funny how the things that I once thought we absolute necessities in a house don't really seem to matter as much when you are looking at the whole picture. There are new things that I have come to realize are really important. I still have my lists of wishes...most of which are cosmetic but I can see past the few decorating mishaps. I have seen, in our search for our first home, some serious decorating blunders. Many of the houses (including one of my favorites) have wallpaper...seriously, that went out in the 90's, these homes are less than 10 years old! I can handle one room that I can change, I'm sort of looking forward to that! But when every room has nasty wallpaper with the matching border...I mean really. 
I am very thankful that my husband and I share the same tastes...we have agreed on almost every house! We are both torn between two...we will update soon when we make a decision. 

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