Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Boys and Tornadoes

Why are boys so fascinated with tornadoes and bad weather? We have been anticipating bad weather all day...we knew it was going to hit tonight. I, being a person who LOVES (can you hear the sarcasm) bad weather, was thrilled, glued to the TV and ready to cover in my closet. My husband, however, was outside! No, not standing at the window looking out, but out on our patio. OK, so, some of you are thinking that this is not a big deal. We live on the THIRD floor!! The news is telling us that we should take cover, the sirens are going off and I am in the closet (buried under pillows) while my fearless husband is outside. I know the weather has hit the worst level when he joins me in the closet. 
I am starting to like Texas, (afterall, I am in the process of buying a house...did you catch that?) but I will never get used to or like tornadoes. I am thankful that I was home with my husband and not out and about. Or worse yet at school with kids that need me to be calm. I made my team hang out with me this afternoon so that I would not think about the weather...come on! I am a baby when it comes to bad weather...welcome to Texas! We are safe, that is what matters!

1 comment:

Girl Fisher said...

Fisher is the same way! He was talking to a friend who lives in McKinney and his sirens were going off and they just kept chatting. I said, "Fisher, he needs to shelter his children!" LOL