Thursday, June 5, 2008

School's out for Summer!

Unless you are a teacher, or a parent, you have no idea how wonderful it sounds to say that school is out for summer! It has been an amazing, challenging and tiring year! I have learned a lot about myself personally and professionally. I have realized a few things too...
Subbing, is far more difficult than being a teacher in the same classroom all year. It does however have its perks, you only have a group of kids for a short time (in my case anywhere from 2 days to 60 days). Take that for what it is worth! Being the "new" girl on campus monthly is challenging but it has afforded me the ability to meet a lot of amazing new friends. I am blessed. 
Challenges, are just that, challenging! They make you stronger and make you learn about yourself. I found that when I stretched myself beyond my comfort zone major growth happens, but we all knew that! That is a God lesson that I will not soon forget. 
I have learned a lot about myself but I think the most important thing I learned is that I LOVE TEACHING! I can't imagine doing anything else! When I weigh all the good and the bad nothing outweighs a student asking you if you can teach them next year! Thanks to all my friends, family and students for helping me grow every day!

Patrick's sentiments can be summed up in one sentence..."Ha,ha, I don't have to got to work for 2 months!" Happy Summer!

1 comment:

Pippitt said...

so im jealous that you get to be out and about during the day time!

im at work has been busyyyyyyy

stay cool and get some sun! (i mean that in a non insulting way)