Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mental Health Day...

I'm taking my first ever mental health day today! Someone please tell me why I have not done this sooner! My roommate from college is getting married this weekend and we are heading to the wedding...tomorrow. We both took an extra day off today just for us. There is something to be said for a day when there is not routine, nothing "required" that needs to get done, no cramming in all the laundry into two days, no housework and no papers to grade (well those are always there but...)! It is a rather liberating feeling. I encourage you to take a day off. For no reason. Don't schedule anything, just be. Let the day take you wherever it will. You feel more relaxed than ever! It's only 8:10 and I already feel more rested than ever. I love my job and my fantastic team mates but it should be required that everyone take a day, just one (or more if you can pull it off) for your own sanity. It may take a little extra effort to write sub plans or whatever you have to do to prepare but you will thank yourself later. Well blogger friends, enjoy your day, I will certainly be enjoying mine! Did I mention I have tomorrow off too!! Thanks Whitney for getting married and allowing me to realize the importance of a mental health day!

1 comment:

texag04 said...

Thanks for the sweet comment today. And I'm so jealous of your mental health day! But good for you!! I never took one in 6 years of teaching until this fall...and it was FANTASTIC!! I vow to take at least 1 a year now. :) Hope you enjoyed it immensely!