Saturday, October 10, 2009


Last night, under the Vegas lights, my girlfriend
and college roommate got engaged. In May, on their couch on a quiet night, my other college roommate got engaged. In December 2002 the first of three amazing college roommates got married, I followed July 07. I was thinking this morning how awesome friendship is.
We started our journey as friends in August of 1996, (yes, that does make us in our 30's). We were fresh out of high school with lots of lofty aspirations but not a whole lot of direction. We were scared, homesick and completely lost. Some of us far from home in a completely new state. I knew that what we had that first month of August would be life changing but I had no idea that I would have three of the most amazing women as friends today! We have been through a lot together, since those tiny dorm rooms (really meant for one) and a not much bigger apartment. We have watched each other grow through breakups and makeups, family drama and trauma, career changes and graduate school. We have had an argument or two, we have moved across the country, some of us more than once. We been there from online dates and the scary meet-in-person to the "YES" and "I do". We have been in each others weddings and watched one us bring life to two sweet little boys. Despite all of life's changes and uncertainties one thing has stayed the same...the love we have for each other. I would not be the person I am today without the love and support of my three fearless roommates. Girls, you know who you are and I love you dearly. I am who I am because you are in my life.

As new engagements are celebrated reflect on what a ride it has been. We are lucky to have the special women in our lives. Tell them you love them, often. They matter to me and I know they matter to you!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I don't really have anything to post but I thought I would humor you all with a few pictures from the last month or so. I really can't believe that it is October. As a teacher, October is usually the month where you start to breath again! I can't believe it is already here! It will be Halloween before we know it and then Thanksgiving and well...the year might as well be over!

For those of you who are keeping track of Wrigley's training, Tuesday's session was awesome! She even got a compliment from the trainer! Wrigley will usually (not during bad weather) walk on a loose leash and sit on command. Keep the advice coming and prayers. She is still not crate trained and is eating the door to whatever room we put her in...anyone coming to visit will have to deal with some teeth marks on the guest bathroom door!
Have a great weekend friends...