Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! To the five of you that read our blog I hope that you had a blessed Easter. Easter is a that time of year when the "newness" of life appears. The plants start to bloom (maybe not after all the storms and cold weather), the spring clothes are brought out and there is a spring in your step. As I was sitting in church today listening to our pastor talk about the amazing God that we serve, I realized that I am not always filled with that newness that Easter seems to bring. So my a "new" spring-in-your-step kind of life! I challenge you to do the same! Life has enough challenges already so we don't need to live stagnant lives! Have a blessed and wonderful week, and thanks for reading!


Girl Fisher said...

Happy Easter to you guys too!

Kelly said...

You are SO right...and you are also already brining out the Spring clothes- AMEN!! Happy Easter!

Susan said...

Happy Easter to you too!!! :)

karenparker said...

I hope you succeed in your new goal of renewal ... Happy Easter belatedly to you ... I do read your blog, even though I am not a "blogger" How is that beautiful new home?