Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Wonderland?? More Like Freakin' Cold

Hey, long time no post. We are alive and well. We just got a little caught up in work. But now we are in blustery Chicago! It's currently 3 degrees F, which is warm compared to the -4 degrees F it was when we landed. I would have taken a picture of the snow, but since it's halfway up to my knees...I thought it would wait.

We're very glad to be back up north for a while. It's a great escape from our little apartment and the hustle and bustle of our little town. It also gives us a little time to relax and do some out of the ordinary stuff. For example, we can go down to the basement and read a book, or go upstairs and read a book, or watch tv. Well...when it's warmer we'll venture out. We do have one errand to run while we are here. We have the specific task of finding some Chicago stuff; so we'll be heading into the city to ice skate and be a tourist for a day. I'm thinking we may have to go to Giordano's pizza...mmm...deep dish...mmm.

Pictures coming soon...