Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Schools out for summer...

Music to my hears! Unless you are a teacher, parent or student you have no idea how powerful a statement that is! There were a few tears shed on the last day, I'm not going to lie. I will really miss this class. We had a lot of fun together. I needed them just as much as they needed me. Going from being a wife and a teacher to a wife, teacher and mother in a matter of weeks is a huge transition. Thankfully, my students didn't skip a beat! They let me talk about Witt all day and tell stories. They humored me and let me show pictures and ohh and ahh over him...daily. It made for a really great growing year!

It is officially day 2 of summer vacation and we are already soaking up sun, cleaning (well, I am) and enjoying a lot of relaxation!I am so looking forward to summer and spending it with our family of three! Wow! That still sounds weird. We are looking forward to exposing Witt to all sorts of summer memories, none that he will remember but pictures speak volumes! His summer started with his first trip to the pool...he LOVED it!
I leave you with a photo of his pooltime...how cute it he!
Happy Summer Friends!