Sunday, January 29, 2012

4 months...

I'm a little late in posting but where has time gone! I knew he would grow up fast but this is becoming a little ridiculous! Why can't the school year seem to go this quickly?
Here are a few of the milestones and things he has done so far at four months...

He babbles a lot, making all sorts of adorable sounds! This is usually followed by some squealing! The laughter is becoming more and more frequent and he laughs at us and the world around him! He is supposed to be rolling over but that is not really happening. He HATES tummy time! I keep thinking that he will roll over to get off of his tummy but no such luck! He rolls over but we have to help him, a lot! He bounces in his jumper, his feet almost touch the floor! It appears that the curve has caught him in his height. At two months he was in the 94 percentile for height, now he is in the 54%...much more likely considering his parents!

This month has been full of exciting moments! Flying to Chicago for Christmas was certainly an adventure. I was really planning for the worst, the screaming baby the whole way people staring at us kind of day. This was not the case! Witt was perfect!! A few small moments of fussiness and that was it! When we landed back in Dallas the man in front of us asked, "how long has that baby been on the plane?" We were so proud!

We can't wait to see what's in store this year! Thanks Witt for bringing so much joy and lighting up our lives!